Riley is the star in his classroom this week, typically in any other class this means that the student is highlighted all week long; they get special privileges and responsibilities. This year they get to make a poster and bring in a treat. They are the star all week long but according to the boys there is nothing special that they get to do besides the poster.
I hate making posters, I feel it is a waste of time and supplies. Erik and I don't even print pictures anymore, everything is digital. So rather than waste countless hours on a poster that the kids can't even see from their desks I decided to make a movie. I am just learning how to use iMovie and it seems like every time I use it I learn something new. I let Riley pick all the pictures that he wanted and the songs that he wanted. We tried to keep it around 5 minutes.
Like always when I look at pictures it makes me(and Erik) want to have another baby(or two). It also makes me realize just how blessed I am to have two healthy and happy boys. It is never hard to find pictures of them smiling; because they are always smiling. It is however hard to find pictures of them separate, they are always together; laughing, and playing, arms around each other as they pose for the camera.
There is always a challenge with parenting, it seems that my boys take turns being challenging. For 6 months Carter will be a pill then they switch and Riley will turn into a stinker and Carter will be great. For the past 9 months or so Riley has been my challenge; until recently. I don't know if I changed my attitude toward him or if he is just catching on. He has been so pleasant, so loving for the past few weeks. It is no longer unusual for him to pull me into his bed at night and give me a big hug and tell me he loves me. Each morning he wakes me with the biggest smile I have ever seen, then he crawls under my covers and snuggles with me for the next 30 minutes until it is time to get ready for school. I have loved having him in my life, he has so much energy and such a great outlook on life. Putting this short video together reminded me just how much I adore him. I want life to slow down just a bit so I can enjoy every second that I have with him.