Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How long?

Wow, I know it has been forever.  A whole football season has come and gone, half of summer and we are starting winter; 30 inches of snow this last weekend.

I don't even know how to play catch up, so I won't!  I will just start and by start I am going to tell you about our new blessing; cheesy I know, but she is:

I know it is completely cheesy to say she is a blessing, but;

Erik and I were out on a date, we had to get gas so we headed to costco.  As we drove thru the parking lot we came across a car with puppies for sale.  We stopped!  Now, people stopping to see puppies is no big surprise, but me and Erik stopping is a huge deal.  I knew we were in trouble when we got out to see the puppies and the one puppy that was left was curled up in the back of the car staring at us, she just laid there.  She didn't even get up to greet us, the mom had to send her son into the car to pick her up and bring her to us.  As one typically would with a puppy, you ooo and aaaa as you look at them, that is exactly what we did.  Then we put her down and went on our date.  Now, what was different than a typical puppy encounter for us, is that I went home and researched yorkies.  I was looking for the "cons", I knew the "pro's" she was cute!  But what are the cons?  Yorkies are mousers, this did not help our cause, we have a mouse problem and  have been thinking about getting a cat to help out.  Yorkies are loyal, snuggly, and good with older kids.

No matter how I tried to talk myself out of this dog, I just couldn't do it.  Every time I tried to stop thinking about her I started again.  It was a nasty cycle.  Erik suggested we take the boys down to see her.  So, we did just that.  On a Sunday afternoon in September we headed to their house.  As soon as we walked in the door, I knew I was hooked.  Chloe walked up to us, sniffed us then went and layed in her kennel.

As we sat and talked with the breeders, I was shocked at the questions that Erik was asking.  He is my rock, he is the one who always says NO.  If he says YES, then we have a dog.  WHOA!

Next thing I know he hands over a wad of cash that I didn't even know that he had.  I was shocked!

Well, the rest is history.  We love her, she is amazing.  She is calm, loving, fun, playful.  She is everything that we need when we need it.  She has brought us closer as a family.

So, I feel like I have a baby.  I don't get anything done.  My house isn't as clean as it should be and I have to wake up early.  But, we have this life that depends on us.  She makes us smile and laugh.  she also frieks us out a bit; but, she IS amazing!

This is Chloe, Tipton #5

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