Sunday, April 10, 2011


The classic double thumbs up, he is so excited for a day at Pearl Harbor. He is our History buff!

Erik & Riley

Carter & Dusti taking the bus to get to the Missouri

Riley & Carter


Erik, Riley & Carter on deck of the USS Missori

Carter & Riley I think we are in trouble

Erik at the controls


Riley at the controls

Carter & Erik in the cafeteria, I heard the Missouri serves some great grub

Riley & Erik in the captains lounge of the USS Missouri

Riley & Carter

Dusti & Riley on the USS Missouri

Riley taking a much needed rest on the USS Missouri

Carter & Riley

Erik, Carter, Riley, & Dusti outside Pearl Harbor

Carter, Dusti & Riley on top of the Bowfin

Riley & Dusti




I don't think Erik would have made it, he is much too tall!

Riley & Carter taking a nap on the Bowfin

Dusti & Carter

Dusti & Riley

Riley & Carter

Riley not wanting to pose for yet another picture




Riley & Carter

Carter & Riley

Carter & Riley

Riley Working the gun

Erik showing his manhood!