Don't tell CocaCola that I am drinking a Pepsi |
Setting off on our Journey; Whales and dolphins here we come |
The Riles Smiles |
Good boy for wearing shades |
We love our Cart's |
Father & son |
Grandma & Riley, could you say NO to that smile |
Carter & Dusti |
Just loving the ride |
We love our Grandma and Papa |
They are always this happy |
Getting my tan on |
When they are the sweetest |
On the front of the catamaran the boys are there for the long journey back. The waves were so big the captain was even concerned. After one wave Carter surrendered the ocean too rough for him. It took one more for Erik to surrender the wave was so huge it was more like them diving thru it, Erik said it hurt. Riley the toughest of the three never gave up, daddy had to pull him off by orders of the captain. |
Grandma and her second born grandson |
Notice the cave |
Napali coast |
He earned the right of Captain for riding the big waves!! |
We loved Kauai, our condo was out of this world. We met grandma and papa Alexander there and spent over a week with them. The condo's had an amazing swimming pool, with kids activities that my boys were way to "cool" to do. It had a coi pond, and was surrounded by great food, amazing snorkeling, and gorgeous sights. We got to go on a Helicopter and catamaran ride, both of which were out of this world amazing. We ate at Keoki's more than once, the food is amazing. Of course you always have to get a shaved ice in Hawaii, they are always delish.
Carter & Riley at the coi ponds |
Riley at the pool |
Riley,Carter, Papa, & Grandma |
Riley & Carter |
Erik & Dusti(no I am not preggers it just looks that way) |
Erik, caught red handed.LOL |
That's better |
Dusti, Riley, Carter, Papa, & Grandma watching a video on how to behave in a helicopter |
We are ready, got the nicest chopper money can buy |
Riley is front and center, what a good co-pilot |
Carter & Grandma, I know you can't tell but he is a little nervous |
Riley looks as though he has done this before |
There is Carters nervous face |
Look at the happy couple, thirteen years; everyday is a honeymoon |
Jurassic park & pirates if the Caribbean were filmed here |
Napali coast |
It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to go on such a magnificent helicopter ride. To get to see the island of Kauai from the air was absolutely breathtaking. I can only hope that the boys are old enough to remember it, I know they appreciated it. |
Here is a game; start counting the soda cans in my hand throughout the trip, I am not proud of it but if you took a shot of something every time you saw me with a soda you would have a pretty good night. |
It was way windy everyday that we were on Kauai, somedays we loved the wind because it was so hot we needed it to cool off. Somedays the wind was down right freezing. |
Happy family, this is the backside of our condo |
You aren't allowed to though balls in the pool, we knew the rule but thought we would test it. Day 2 or 3 the security officer let us know that we can't through it, mostly because his boss was there that day and he didn't want to get in trouble. An infant was hit with a football a few years ago, you know the story; parents threatened to sue so they had to make the rule. So LAME |
Fun times were had by all at the condo's pool. Being the wonderful dad that he is Erik was always in the water with the boys. Riley mastered a flip as Erik threw him up in the air. Carter did something when Erik threw him up, he didn't quite master anything but he sure as heck kept us laughing, thanks Cart's |
Ode to EGGY, Carter found a solid bird egg that he wrapped in foil to protect. We had to look at Eggy in the condo for more than a few days until you know who got to it. Thanks again Riley. |
The fake sand |
Casual reading before he buckles down for the new gig |
Yes it is another soda, don't forget about the game |
Best snorkel beach ever, we came here more than a few times. |
Hey what is that between Carter and Riley? |
Yes, there is something there, what could it be? |
That is right, it is a monk seal. They are endangered and love the beaches of Hawaii. You cannot get near them or you will be sent to jail and have a hefty fine. They were so mesmerizing, I wanted to watch them the whole time instead of my beautiful family. |
Right at the same spot where you can hit the best snorkeling is this awesome rock. The tide comes in each night and brings little fish and critters. When the tide goes out the critters get stuck in the little pools of water. Though the rock is sharp as heck on our tender toes it was so much fun to explore all the pools of water. |
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