After posting " A change of Seasons, a Change of Attitude" I came across this on a website that I frequent, it made me cry. It was so fitting for the way that I have felt lately, it is really fitting in the crossfit community. I know that most of you don't "get" crossfit, you don't understand why we love it so much. Why we always come back for more. It has changed my life and the way that I look at fitness and the way I look at my body. I have always had a muscular build, even when I wanted and tried to be skinny I couldn't do it; it was physically impossible. Crossfit has made it okay for me to have my big muscles. Crossfit has made big muscles on women sexy. But it is hard, everyday there is a new challenge; a heavier weight, a new move, a longer distance. Then when I think that I have got it something new is thrown my way, then some hot 20 something girl comes in and gets her double under and pistol squat on her first try while I have been working on mine for a year. I love Crossfit because it DOES give me a challenge, as a stay at home mom I don't have a lot of challenges; besides bedtime! I love Crossfit, even when I don't.
Remind me I am strong. Please.
Most days, I know this.In spades, as my mom would say. I know I am strong like I know my front squat max or the movements in Fran. Usually remembering my strength is not a problem.
But sometimes I forget.
When the world gets overwhelming. When everybody needs something from me and nothing I do is on time, or enough, or even close to adequate.
I know these faults, these shortcomings, these glaring errors that yawn in their enormity, are most likely illusions in my own brain. But still they are there, gnawing at me, reminding me that I’m not good enough, not smart enough, not strong enough.
So, do me a favor and remind me of something better. On those days when you see me slump a little, or falter, or my eyes seem kind of wet for no reason. These are the days that I’m weak inside and the world is simply too much, the weight is too heavy, and the pace seems so fast. On these days, remind me that I’m strong and I’ll stomp those doubts and I’ll come through.
It’s only a simple statement and I only need it once, maybe with a hand on the shoulder. “Hey, you are strong.”
It’ll carry me farther than you’ll ever know.